
Pathway To Golf - 6 Mixed Group Lessons - Saturday 2pm - EMIRATES GOLF CLUB

The Pathway to Golf Lessons are designed to provide you with the best possible start for your golf journey at a cost effective price.

You will learn in groups of up to 8 people and the courses are every Saturday at 2pm until 3pm.

You will cover a range of topics:
• Learn how to swing the club
• Learn how to strike the ball
• Learn swing technique
• Learn the basics of pitching
• Learn the basics of chipping
• Learn the basics of putting
• Learn the rules and etiquette of golf

There will also be an lesson on the Par 3 course where you will put everything you have learned throughout the course together.

We will also provide you with rules and etiquette training and a rules book provided by Emirates Golf Federation.

Once you have completed the course, there will be an on course (Par 3 assessment) and your PGA professional will provide you with a certification of completion and proficiency allowing you wo start playing with Social Golf Society on their Par 3 League games.

The certification will also provide you with a range of benefits, from discounts on your first set of golf clubs (or upgrade) as well as discounts to join and start playing golf with Social Golf Society.


Pathway to Golf - 6 x 50 Minute Group Lessons

Guests Price : 750 AED